- Tax optimisation of the corporate structure
- Ensuring compliance with the Corporate Income Tax Act
- Application of different regimes (thin capitalization) and rules (interest limitation deduction rule, tax depreciable assets)
- Assistance in preparing the annual corporate tax return
- Consultation on the correct application of tax rules
- Clarifications on taxation of different expenses
- Drafting documentation (local file and master file)
- Creating a comprehensive transfer pricing strategy
- Optimising the used transfer pricing model
- Performing benchmark studies
- VAT consultations and VAT related cash flow planning
- Optimising VAT consequences of different transactions
- VAT reporting for local and foreign companies
- VAT registration
- VAT refund
Excise duty:
- Consultations on the application of the excise duty legislation
- Applying the excise duty suspension arrangement
- Registration of tax warehouses
- Customs planning and customs compliance
- Applying customs regimes and procedures
- Advice on matters related to personal income taxation, as well as local taxes and fees
- Assistance on preparation of declarations under the Personal Income Tax Act, Social Insurance Codex, Local Taxes and Fees Act and other
- Tax review for the purposes of acquiring and selling of a business (tax due diligence)
- Identifying potential tax liabilities and risks
- Tax optimisation of the acquisition and merger transactions
- Assessing possible tax advantages of the assets and the transaction structure
- Assisting in contract drafting for the acquisition and in the negotiation process
- Clarifications on withholding taxes
- Analyzing the risk of forming a permanent establishment
- Application of Double Tax Treaties
- Assistance in applying tax credit for taxes paid abroad
- Assistance in tax audits
- Preparing opinions, responses and letters
- Appealing against tax acts
- Representation before the competent court